NVOK is currently being hosted by actor/director/producer Prakash Raj and it is aired on Star Vijay TV. At the end, the program crew and the audience wished Sri Devi for the upcoming New Year. The 'ever-16' actor sadly told that she very rarely speaks Tamil. She also admitted the only way she keeps in touch with Tamil is through watching Tamil movies, especially Thala Ajith's. She added that she likes Tamil comedies which keeps her smiling even through tough situations.
It was also reported by The Hindu that Sri Devi would land her daughter in Tamil Cinema once she is grown up. When she was asked whom she would act with, she replied like a pistol shot that only with Thala Ajith. She told that Ajith is a thorough professional and a delight to work with.
Earlier in 2012, Sri Devi's comeback to Tamil Cinema was with the film English Vinglish. Thala Ajith has done a cameo-appearance in that movie- that is between the scene of air travel of Sri Devi from India to USA. She praised Thala Ajith for working without demanding even a penny.
Bony Kapoor, a producer and the husband of Sri Devi, was impressed with Ajith's humility and simplicity. Boney Kapoor had said that Ajith is a wonderful human being and a fine actor.
but she is now acting with Vijay..
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