The wait for Thala Ajith Kumar's fans has come to an end, we were all waiting on our toes for this moment; Ajith's next film is titled. But it is not Vishnuvardan's movie, it is the movie of Director Siva (of Siruthai fame).
Well, the movie is titled as "Vetri Kondan". All sources say that Ajith Kumar's next movie has been confirmed as Vetri Kondan. This title is finalized after going through many suggested titles. The makers of Vetri Kondan say that this title suits Ajith's image and will have mass publicity. Therefore, this title was selected.
Another shocking news to hear is that Anushka Shetty will be playing the female lead role. Anushka gave positive response to the project because she has not still come on screen with Ajith Kumar. The shooting of the movie Vetri Kondan will start in this December.
Another shocking news to hear is that Anushka Shetty will be playing the female lead role. Anushka gave positive response to the project because she has not still come on screen with Ajith Kumar. The shooting of the movie Vetri Kondan will start in this December.