Tapsee Pannu is currently staying in Chennai for the shoot of her fourth Tamil movie. The film is yet to be titled. Biggest stars of the Indian Cinema like Ajith, Nayantara, Arya and Rana Daggubati play the main roles in the film which is directed by Director Vishnuvardan of the Billa fame. Tapsee Pannu of Aadukalam fame says that there few more stars staring in the film.
“It’s a big budget film in terms of the casting. No single role will go unnoticed in the movie, as Vishnuvardhan has opted for established actors from Tollywood and even Bollywood. I am lucky to be part of this project," she says.
Scenes are being shot except Rana's scenes. Tapsee says that she was so much impressed by her co-star Thala Ajith.
"I have done 14 films so far and have never felt so much at ease on the first day of shoot in any of them. Ajith is unbelievably simple. I have met Nayantara once before and have immense respect for her. She told me she will make sure that I'm comfortable on the sets and she did that! And when Arya, whom I'm paired with, is around, he makes the atmosphere light," says Taapsee.
Tapsee character is said to be a journalist. She states that she is very familiar with her role.
"We all watch news channels, so we know how they work in a news environment. But my role is not a serious one. Sequences involving me will be lively and fun compared to others. Vishnuvardhan has worked the script so well that each character will be different from the rest and the story will be incomplete without any of us. Mine is not a blink-and-miss role," she says.
Tapsee says that every industry has its preference, that is the Telugu audience like to watch films beyond reality while the Tamil audience like to watch films close to reality. So she says,
"so I choose accordingly and make sure I'm different in every movie, irrespective of the language."Tapsee also added that she plays a role of a village girl from 80's in her upcoming bilingual film, 'Marandhen Mannithen', which is to be released in Tamil and Telugu.
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