There was a news recently stating that Thala's punch in Billa 2 inspired Bharath (of Boys fame) a lot. We all know that our Super Star Rajni Kanth the Great acted many films with Sri Devi. SS Rajni Kanth was a influential person in Sri Devi's cinema life, well not in the REAL life.
Ajith Kumar has acted with Sri Devi in her upcoming film- English Vinglish. It's Sri Devi's comeback after many years. The movie is titled as "Aangilam Vaangilam" in Tamil. This is a very breezy story about a housewife who takes attempt to put English on her tongue.
The character of Sri Devi brings the normal life of Indian Traditional Women, who often get the feeling of insecurity, to the screen. Three men play key roles with Sri Devi- Adil Hussain as Sri Devi's husband, French actor Mehdi Nebbou, as an English Teacher, Ajith Kumar who travels with Sri Devi by air to USA. The film is directed by Gauri Shinde.
However, in Hindi version of the movie, Ajith Kumar's role will be performed by Big Boss Amitabh Bachchan.
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